By Aurelia - 12 October 2020
Dear Members,
We are extremely proud that the Intermania will be totally online on our new website! We have no doubts that the Intermania committee members will keep writing amazing articles for you. In this article, Aurelia will give a little update about what they have done over the last couple of months.
Julia Verbruggen, Chair
I have been enjoying my function as chairman a lot. We have had our first General Meeting which felt as a real accomplishment and was really fun to do offline. Keeping up with the ever-changing Corona measures has been quite a challenge but we have become quite adaptable to the hurdles that come our way. I am also responsible for the social media of the association and a fun fact is that we have gained 120 followers on Instagram since August and I hope to become a professional social media influencer at the end of my board year. If you have any fun suggestions, you can always send me a message!
Sander Schepers, Secretary
Our new website also contains a new member database. Therefore, I have added all our members again to make sure that our database is up to date. Furthermore, I have been busy with other tasks like writing minutes and answering all your urgent mails. I still enjoy this board year a lot. Despite all the restrictions due to Corona, we try to make the best out of it by organizing as many activities as possible. Of course, it is also amazing to meet our new freshmen, since we have 158 new members! We are very glad to see them for a coffee in the Internaat or during the drinks.
Melissa Baars, Treasurer
After a few months of working as a treasurer, I can say that I feel like I got the hang of it. I really enjoy bookkeeping! The Corona situation was the perfect opportunity for me to introduce digital declaration forms to Intermate. Thanks to your feedback, I now have a digital form that can be accessed and used easily by all members. Moreover, together with the taskforce ‘Digitaal Declareren’, Meie and I learned how to work in a new bookkeeping system (Exact Online), which I found really interesting. At last, I worked on making sure that the board change was officially processed at the ABN Amro.
Abe Koster, Commissioner of Education
Obviously, these are hard times. Corona measures have prevented me and others from having as much contact with our members as previously was able. However, life goes on and so does our university. All department and university wide meetings continue. Together with the education councils and the education committee, we are doing our best to make sure everybody gets the education they deserve. Seeing all of you studying in Atlas really lifts up our spirits so please continue to do so and have a smooth chat in the Internaat.
Meie Kleijburg, Commissioner of Internal Affairs
The past few weeks have been crazy! As much fun as it is to have opened the doors for all our members again, every activity, drink, and meeting has come with a pile of work too. The website is now finally available for all of you guys, which we are so happy about. The bank account is finally accessible too, making sure that we can pay you back for all your declarations as well. The most emotional moment was definitely the ceremonial GM, in which we could thank Dionysos for their hard work and could officially celebrate our constitution! I am so thankful for my five amazing board members, and all of our members for all the work they have been putting into keeping the association ‘gezellig’ during these times.
Emma Urselmann, Commissioner of External Affairs
Hi Everyone!
I would like to give you all a small update about how my board year went so far. All old board members told me that a board year would be a rollercoaster with ups and downs, which I never believed. However, I can say that I understand them better now. There are a lot of fun highlights, such as the activities of the InterT.E.A.M. and PromoCie and of course all the chats with our lovely members in the Internaat. On the other hand, the whole corona situation have led to some less funny moments. For example (not) enjoying a beer in the rain during a drink and a lot of rejections from companies because they have a hold on their recruitment budget. Altogether, I am still enjoying this fantastic year with my fellow board members and am fully motivated to fulfill my board function!