Revisiting The Never Ending Dilemma: “to Klok or to Klus”

By - Committees - 28 March 2023

In this article, Lars revisits the infamous and everlasting dilemma: "to Klok or to Klus". Although an attempt at tackling this was already made two and a half years ago, he returns with new found wisdom and insights, determined to answer it once and for all.

Visievorming in de techniek

By D. Londema & E.M.M. Castelijn - 27 March 2023

Diverse techniek ondersteunt organisaties in het bereiken van ambities en doelstellingen. Een duidelijke visie op de inzet en verwachtingen van deze techniek helpt daarbij. Hoe kom je tot zo’n visie? En als die er is, wat ga je dan doen? Al jarenlang helpt advies- en ingenieursbureau Witteveen+Bos beheer-organisaties bij het opstellen van visies en plannen en het implementeren van veranderingen. Dit artikel is bedoelt als een business case voor het bedrijf Witteveen + Bos, het is dus niet een regulier artikel. Voel je vrij om het artikel te lezen ook al doe je niet mee aan de business case :)

ITEM goes abroad!

By Alain Starke & Mats de Ronde - People of Intermate - 22 March 2023

Two former intermate members, Alain Starke, and Mats de Ronde, tell about their international study and working experiences. Both are part of ITEM, the alumni association of all innovation science studies.

Equity is Key – Why International Women’s Day is still needed

By Manon van Hastenberg - Columns - 15 March 2023

Last week was International Women's Day, which was the ideal moment for our columnist Manon to write a new column about women's rights. This time, Manon talks about the importance of International Women's day.

Wonderful Week of Wintermate

By Jaron - Committees - 10 March 2023

In this article, Jaron details the amazing Wintermate trip some of the members went on two weeks ago. He shares the fantastic stories that happened both on, and off the slopes of Saalbach-Hinterglemm.

Where running and partying comes together

By interTEAM - Committees - 7 March 2023

Everybody be prepared… It is almost batavieren time again! InterTEAM will give you an overview of the route and the history behind the batavieren race.

Tosti's around the world

By Naud Janssen - Committees - 8 March 2023

Imagine a world where you would have tasteful lunches on other days in the week. This wouldn’t sound as beautiful as Tosti Tuesday, but in this article, Naud will give you a taste of what different tastebuds around the world would eat for lunch at different days in the week.

To the end of the world

By David Hordijk - Columns - 15 February 2023

David Hordijk (Ultimate member and 'ouwe lul' of intermate) walked 2500 km from the Netherlands to Finisterre, which literally means the End of The World. Through a crowdfunding campaign, his piano met him at the end of his route on the cliffs of Finisterre. There he recorded a concert and a music video. He shares the personal story behind his journey with us and some adventures of his way.

Cocktails and drinks all over the world

By Timo Beerman - Theme - 13 February 2023

In this article, Timo will take you all around the world in the best way possible; with drinks! Enjoy exploring different cultures and places around the globe, while also learning some new cocktails to impress your friends.

How to plan your best city trip?

By Hugo Baas - Committees - 8 February 2023

To kick of the new theme ‘of the map’, we asked our favourite educational weekend-organising committees to write an article about how to deal with going of the map. Therefore, in order to start the promo for their coming weekend, they give you the best tips and tricks to plan a nice weekend away for you and your friends!

Join the healthcare sector, we have bad innovation

By Benedetta Malagoni - 18 January 2023

I’m sure you all still remember the applauses for healthcare workers at the beginning of the pandemic. It was a beautiful gesture, expressing appreciation for their incredible commitment and dedication, even though it probably meant more for the applauder than the applauded. I’m also sure most people are aware that, since those moving applauses, working situations for many healthcare workers have not improved. In several cases they worsened: increasing hours, increasing workload, increasing stress, colleagues leaving because of mental or physical burnouts. This has been the reality for many people taking care of our health and wellbeing.

Expedition music exploration

By Sietske Wijffels - Committees - 9 January 2023

Being a member of the BorrelCie is more than just serving the members of Intermate their drink. They are in charge of the music during played during the drinks. With her love for music, Sietske gives you tips on how to broaden you music horizon.

Setting up the right ‘klus’ environment

By - Committees - 21 December 2022

Have you ever wondered how to create the best vibe for a 'klus'? Look no further! The CieKlusKlus has got you covered. Lars will tell you everything you need to know, to make sure your next 'klus' has the perfect vibe.

The Evolution of Christmas music

By Maarten van Sluijs - Theme - 19 December 2022

In this article, Maarten will guide you trough the interesting history of Christmas music and point out some personal favourites.

Embrace the mental emptiness

By Julia Verbruggen - Columns - 13 December 2022

With the christmas holiday approaching we often have enough to think about. Julia, however, shows that it is also important to have nothing on your mind at all. So this Christmas try to have some mindful moments in between of all the hecticness.

Expedition Weather Sounds with Intermania

By Editors of Intermania - Theme - 12 December 2022

With each theme the Intermania tries to look into an activity that matches it. This time we went to a classical concert in the Concert Gebouw in Eindhoven. Let us tell you about our experience

Cante, Baile and Toque: the three pillars of the art of flamenco

By Eva Boots - Committees - 7 December 2022

During the AFExCie trip to Madrid, everyone in the group saw the passion for music that the Spanish people have. Street performers everywhere, a jazz bar on every corner, and, of course, a lot of flamenco bars! Though salsa may be a dance you think of more quickly when you think of Spain, flamenco is rooted in its history. In this article, Eva will teach you the art of flamenco, by explaining its three elements: cante, baile, and toque!

Intermate Sinterklaas puzzel

By Morris Boers - People of Intermate - 5 December 2022

Het is pakjesavond! Dus tijd voor een leuke intermate sinterklaas puzzel.

A lack of time

By Rik Schutte - Columns - 30 November 2022

Making time for hobbies is something that most students struggle with. Rik has the same struggle and gives you some advice on this.

How to harmonize each beer-drinking experience

By Esther Mendel - Committees - 15 November 2022

Pintermate has written an essay on the influence of music on the beer-tasting experience. Which is a topic we all wish were answered during our studies but was never done. Therefore Esther is coming to the rescue by writing such an essay for us.

Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.


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