Meet the Intermania committee

By Morris Boers - People of Intermate - 7 September 2022

Hi fellow Intermates! We are the Intermania, Intermate’s best and only association magazine. We will post an article every Wednesday of the week. To kick off we would like to introduce the hardworking group of Intermates that make the Intermania possible.

Schurend Paradijs – The Intermania visited a museum

By Intermania - Theme - 29 June 2022

In this last article of the year? , the Intermania will close off their art theme with a review of the art exhibition that they visited a few weeks ago: Schurend Paradijs (abrasive paradise).

Reviving an old notebook tradition

By Lotte van Dijck - 21 June 2022

In this new quarterly column of Julia she gives an insight into a tradition she and her mom had when she was little. Which they picked up again over the last few months.


By - - Theme - 14 June 2022

Mijn vader was degene die mij kunst al van kleins af aan bijbracht. Hij was zelf ook wel een kunstenaar: hij speelde in tientallen bandjes, componeerde zijn eigen muziek, schilderde, en schreef liedjes & gedichtjes. Zijn gedichtjes hadden iets speciaals: een twist op het einde. Iets onverwachts waar je van moest lachen of waar je raar van opkeek. Net als voor mijn vader, staat kunst dichtbij me. Voor deze keer, kies ik gedichtjes. Hier zijn 3 gedichtjes met mijn vader als inspiratiebron, waarvan ik hoop dat je moet lachen, je raar op kijkt of je gewoonweg blij wordt. Want dat werd ik van de zijne.

Introducing Epicurus

By Bestuur - Committees - 8 June 2022

As of last week, Intermate has a fresh new board! In this article, they will tell you a little bit about who they are and what they stand for.

Policing Women’s Bodies – Limiting Abortion Rights

By Manon van Hastenberg - Columns - 1 June 2022

Manon is at it again writing about women rights once more, however, she of course could not miss writing about the anti-abortion laws happening in the United States at the moment.

Guiding AI in Power

By Irene Niet - 25 May 2022

In this article PhD’er Irene Niet will share her research on AI in the Dutch energy transition, focusing on the effect of AI on the Dutch electricity system.

The art of authenticity

By Emma Höngens - Columns - 18 May 2022

In this column, Emma will take you to the core of every piece of art: authenticity. Why is it important to be authentic? And how does “standing up” relate to standing out?

Tattoos of intermate

By Babette Rijpkema - People of Intermate - 11 May 2022

Tattoos, het is een onderwerp met veel verschillende meningen. De een vindt het prachtig, de ander afschuwelijk. Het gaat vaak zo ver dat familieleden, of vrienden, bijna een inspraak hebben op of jij een tattoo mag zetten of niet. Als zij het niet goedkeuren, dan zijn mensen sneller geneigd om het niet te doen. Daarnaast wordt het bij verschillende werkplekken niet geaccepteerd, waardoor je een kleinere kans hebt om een baan te vinden. Toch worden tatoeages steeds populairder, en wordt het langzamerhand steeds meer geaccepteerd. Tegenwoordig hebben 35% van de Nederlanders (18+) een tatoeage, in de leeftijdscategorie van 18 t/m 34 is dat zelfs 50%. Daarom vroeg de Intermania zich af hoe het zat met de Intermateleden. Acht Intermaten zijn geïnterviewd en hebben hun verhaal gedeeld betreffende hun eigen tattoo(s).

Green Art

By Cécile Geertman - Committees - 3 May 2022

The SustainabiliCie is the green committee of Intermate that aims to make Intermate the most sustainable study association on the TU/e campus. Besides, the committee is always interested in educating members about sustainability. Therefore, in this article, the SustainabiliCie will elaborate on the sustainable side of art.

Voor iedereen die moderne kunst niet begrijpt

By Marijke Remmers - Theme - 26 April 2022

Aangezien wij als onnozele TU studenten toch vaak de fijnere kunsten wat moeilijker kunnen begrijpen heeft onze podcast host Wouter zijn huisgenote gevraagd om ons te onderwijzen, want zij studeert aan de design academy in Eindhoven. Verder heeft ze in Eindhoven haar huisgenoten maar al te vaak kunst moeten uitleggen, en dat doet ze net zo graag voor ons in dit artikel

The art of spinning the wheel

By Tim Bruggink - Committees - 12 April 2022

Tim will show you the age-old tradition of gambling and drinking, Radje draaien! He will discuss the art of Radje draaien with some veterans of the artform.

Intermania rates: Battle of the year committees (Art edition)

By Morris Boers - Reviews - 7 April 2022

For this special edition of INTERMANIA RATES we asked the three year committees: the sjaarscie, twaarscie and driecie to make a meaningful artistic picture. We sent these three committees out into the world with a camera and their own creative brains to make the next artistic masterpiece. We asked our own inhouse professional art connoisseurs Marjolein van der Heijden and Lotte to rate and critique the pictures and see which committee has the most creative potential. Welcome to INTERMANIA RATES: battle of the year committees (Art Edition)

The definition of art

By Bestuur - Committees - 30 March 2022

As you all might know, the current Intermania theme is art. But what is actually the definition of art? Faye has done some research into this topic and she will present her outcomes and opinions.

Hang in there

By Arjan Derks - Columns - 23 March 2022

Arjan comes back to write one more column for the Intermania. In this column, he gives advice on how to deal with loss and how you as friends can help people dealing with grief. Since he himself has lost a dear friend once in addition to several other people below the age of 20 and he did not have such a column to help him.

The value of art

By CieKlusKlus - Committees - 16 March 2022

Are you a good art connoisseur? Christian van Erp discusses several peculiar works of art together with their worth, indicating that the value of a piece of art is very difficult to determine. In order to find out whether you are able to estimate the value of paintings yourself, read the article and do the quiz!

Can AI Create Art?

By - Committees - 9 March 2022

Rob Janssen, a member of the CIE++, takes the definition of art and the creation of art into question. He does so by asking the question: "Can AI create art?". In the following article you can read his viewpoints on this statement.

A new pandemic has arrived: Femicide.

By Manon van Hastenberg - Columns - 1 March 2022

Manon gives us a nice insight into a pandemic that has been happening for a longer time than the Covid-19 pandemic, namely Femicide. While a lot of people know about this but see this as a third-world problem, which is not the case at all which Manon explains in the following article.

The Curious Case of Art During the Second World War.

By Lotte van Dijck - Theme - 23 February 2022

To kick off the new theme ART two old articles were combined and show how obsessed Nazi Germany was with art and how a Dutch con artist forged a Vermeer and sold it to the Germans

AI in Perspective: Adversarial AI

By Anne Nijsten - 21 February 2022

The ability to see a subject through a different lens is always valuable, especially when a field as complicated as AI is discussed. We, therefore, decided to team up with other study associations at the TU/e to write an article about Artificial Intelligence. Each study association shares their insights on the subject, showing the diversity of all the different faculties of the University. This last article is written by Anne Nijsten also from study association GEWIS.

Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.


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