AI in Perspective: Physical Limits of AI

By Louis Timmermans - 21 February 2022

The ability to see a subject through a different lens is always valuable, especially when a field as complicated as AI is discussed. We, therefore, decided to team up with other study associations at the TU/e to write an article about Artificial Intelligence. Each study association shares their insights on the subject, showing the diversity of all the different faculties of the University. This second article is written by Louis Timmermans, a member of study association J. D. van der Waals.

AI in Perspective: the Ethics of AI

By Wouter Tulp - 21 February 2022

The ability to see a subject through a different lens is always valuable, especially when a field as complicated as AI is discussed. We, therefore, decided to team up with other study associations at the TU/e to write an article about Artificial Intelligence. Each study association shares their insights on the subject, showing the diversity of all the different faculties of the University. This first article is written by Intermania's own podcast producer Wouter!

How to: New year's resolutions

By Rik Schutte - Columns - 19 January 2022

If you have listened to the latest episode of Intertalks, you probably heard that Rik had not yet thought about his new year's resolutions at the time of recording. That must have made him think since he wrote down some useful tips about new year's resolutions in his very first column as our newest columnist.

Van Ontgroening naar Vergroening?

By Wil Kuijpers - Columns - 10 January 2022

Het is weer tijd voor een nieuwe publicatie van Wils Wijsheden! Deze keer heeft hij het over het studentenleven met betrekking tot de ontgroeningen bij studentenverenigingen. Hij geeft zijn kijk weer op deze ontgroeningen, en geeft suggesties op hoe dit in de tijd van nu eventueel gewijzigd kan worden.

How to : adten van een biertje

By Ruben Dragt - Theme - 26 December 2021

Tegenwoordig is het niet meer belangrijk hoe gezellig je bent, dat je er goed uit ziet, of dat je een leuke openingszin hebt. Hedendaags is het enige wat je nodig hebt, om een goede indruk achter te laten bij mensen een snelle adt van een biertje.

How to enhance your food experience by pairing it with the right beer

By Julia Verbruggen - Columns - 20 December 2021

To start the Christmas holiday with a bang we will give you a column by Julia, Borrel Buyer. She will give you advice on how you can enhance your Christmas dinner (or the TostCie new year dinner) with the right beer to accompany it. Or want to impress your housemates at the annual Christmas dinner, try this out!

The return of the Borrellegends

By - Committees - 11 December 2021

After some time off, the Borrellegends are back at it again. Talking about their favorite beers and all other things borrel- related. In this article, they give their ode to the beer can, which has become more and more common in the Internaat fridge.

What happens after student life?

By - Columns - 7 December 2021

Hi there! The name’s Bert and you may know me from my presence in the Internaat, thrilling foosball games during coffee breaks, or from my role as Commissioner of External Affairs in the illuminating 34th board of Intermate: Pharos.

IS reigns the department council this year, but here's why you still need to vote!

By Emma Höngens - 30 November 2021

December 7th and 8th the elections of the departmental council will take place. Maybe you already heard of it or you just found out about it. It sounds quite important, but what does this council do? Why is it important for you and me as students? And why should we vote, while for other departments this does not matter that much?

How to make sense of it all

By Peter Ruijten - Dodoiu - Columns - 22 November 2021

The corona measures have been following each other up rapidly over the last few weeks and they impact everyone differently. In his newest column, Peter reflects on how the recent measures impacted him and how he dealt with their consequences.

How to make pasta pesto

By Lotte van Dijck - Theme - 15 November 2021

Pasta pesto is a classic student dish. If you have not made it are you even a student? In this article, I will show you three kinds of pasta pesto, from the classic student one to a more sophisticated one and then one that will come as close as possible to the real Italian deal.

How to overcome FOMO?

By Emma Höngens - Columns - 9 November 2021

Fear Of Missing Out, commonly known as FOMO, is something many of us suffer from post-lockdown. All the agendas are full again with nice activities to do, like the Poem contest of the Intermania for example. However, why do we experience this and what is the influence of social media on it? Emma is here to give you some more insight into this. She will also give some tips to help you with your FOMO.

Intermate's Tremendous Travel Trip: the aftermovie

By AC-team - Committees - 8 November 2021

Do you remember the amazing AC party at the beginning of this academic year? Or did you forget half of it because of the alcohol? If you click on this article, you can find the aftermovie of Intermate's Tremendous Travel Trip! Now you can totally relive the evening again, have fun watching!

How to network

By SympoCie - Committees - 1 November 2021

As a TU student, you are, of course, constantly thinking about your future career. When thinking about this, one word will constantly enter your mind: networking. Although this word sounds really cliché, it is one of the most important things for a successful career. Therefore, we, the Symposium Committee, will give you some advice.

F*** you, human

By Geert van der Velden - Committees - 26 October 2021

Last year our columnist Emma Höngens wrote about the purpose of the study psychology and technology. A study that many people of the TU/e do not really understand. A graduate of HTI (the master of P&T) will give you some wise words on how to deal with these people.

How to Intermate

By Bestuur - Theme - 19 October 2021

Following our "How to..." theme, the board has written a very helpful "How to Intermate" article. This article will get you up to date on all our traditions if you are a new Intermate member (aka Sjaars). Or maybe you have been around for a while already, but you forgot everything because of covid? This article will provide you with a nice refresh on all things intermate!

How to Gala

By Melissa Baars and Bart Bronsgeest - Committees - 10 October 2021

Next week the awesome Gala is taking place, during student gala's a lot of formal rules are present. In this article written by Melissa and Bart these rules are summarised into this lovely article. This gives all of us the last reminder of the etiquette and the dress code and what this entails for everybody.

In the mind of Manon – The World Does not Belong to Them

By Manon van Hastenberg - Columns - 4 October 2021

Our columnist Manon van Hastenberg has written a new column! This time she will talk about her view on refugees and the way the world deals with these people.

The best of the Intermagic Beans Challenge!

By Marjolein van der Heijden - Theme - 1 July 2021

Over the past weeks, the Intermania has hosted the Intermagic Beans Challenge, in which we wanted to find out who was the best at growing their kidney beans. To make things a little more interesting, we also came up with weekly challenges in which everyone could show their creativity. We were not the only ones that liked the idea since a whopping 53 people subscribed!

Introducing Neomeris

By Bestuur - 15 June 2021

Tuesday evening, the 1st of June, around 22:15, we entered the room in our suits. It felt weird seeing the General Meeting from another side. As the baton passed to us, we knew that suddenly every question about everything going on at Intermate would be asked to us. However, this doesn’t scare us, as we are extremely motivated for an amazing board year at the best study association of the Tu/e! Tradition is that the board explains their policy in their first article, however, as you might be tired of reading long texts, we have made a really short summary, which you can find at this link

Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.


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